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Our Ladys’ of Good Counsel, Drimnagh, Dublin 12

Client: Trustees of Our Ladys of Good Counsel

Description of Works:

Removal of spalled and cracked concrete, replace damaged reinforcement, prime reinforcement and install concrete repair mortar to concrete soffit of entire school building and 437 window heads and reveals. All works carried out to a live school Campus

Location: Drimnagh, Dublin 12


BT Concrete Repairs- Various locations in NI

Client: BT Group

Description of Works:

Removal of spalled and cracked concrete, replace damaged reinforcement, prime reinforcement and install concrete repair mortar to complete concrete panels, beams, soffits and window head. Works completed whilst Telephone exchange remained live

Work carried out at the following sites:

BT Telephone Exchange, May Street, Belfast
BT Telephone Exchange, Enniskillen
BT Telephone Exchange, Ballymena
BT Telephone Exchange, Coleriane

Location: Various locations in NI


Sumburgh Airport ATC Tower and Main Building

Client: Sumburgh Airport

Description of Works:

Removal of spalled and cracked concrete, replace damaged reinforcement, prime reinforcement and install concrete repair mortar to concrete ringbeam and window heads. All works were complete whilst the ATC tower and main building remained live.

Location: Shetland, Scotland


Laurieknowe Primary School

Client: Dumfries, Scotland

Description of Works:

Removal of spalled and cracked concrete, replace damaged reinforcement, prime reinforcement and install concrete repair mortar to concrete beams and soffits. works carried out to a live school Campus

Location: Dumfries, Scotland
